Thank you for making your registration payment. Please fill in the information below to complete your registration.
Student Full Name* Age:* Birthday: * Male: Female:
Address: * City: * State: Zip:
Parent/Guardian name:*
Home phone:* Parent's work/cell phone: * Email:*
Are there any medical conditions we should know about?:*
What type of dance experience does the student have? *
How did you hear about us?*
Have you been referred to us by someone? Please let us know who:*
We sometimes use candid shots for advertisements and promotions.Do you give us permission to use images of your child for those purposes? * Yes No
In the box below, please list the classes that you are interested in taking:*
*By checking this box I state that I have read and will abide by Studio Polices
Parent/Guardian Name:* Date:*
* = required information